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All-time top 20 for all Park Runs now on Website. See Results section or click here.

Click here for Round 2 Firemen's Results

Currently booked up, but follow link below to put your name down for next block.

New Club Membership Form for 2019

Club Track & Field Training - RGS - Arrive 6:15 for a 6:30 pm start

Details of Circuits starting in the Autumn to follow shortly.

Historic Ramsey to Andreas Road Walk and Run Race Sat. 15th June.

Postponed - see Club's Facebook for update

Currently booked up, but follow link below to put your name down for next block.

Circuits start again on Wednesday evenings - 12th September.

Circuits - Second block of 7 sessions runs from  7th November- 19th December. See Training page or click link here.

Click here to bring you to the results for Round 2 Aston International Manx Fell Runners League

Next block of circuits now available.

Lancashire Track and Field Championship 2019

Ramsey Bakery Firemen's League

Round 6 - 7th March 2019, Sign-in from 6:15 pm for a prompt 7:00 pm start at Fire Station.

Isle of Man Easter Festival of Running now on, click here for details.

Isle of Man Athletics Association Track and Field Championships - Saturday 3rd August and Sunday 4th August 2019. Sponsored by Spar.

Reminder that Up & Running, Douglas offer a discount to Northern Club members - see link.

Event Schedule to be published nearer the time.

Newfield IOM Athletics League Competition (Years 6 & above).

Club Athletics Summer League (Years 5 and below) Wednesday nights.

Edgewater Park Run Series

Isle of Man Athletics Association Open Track and League

10k June_Long Course.JPG



10k Race:

A 3 lap flat race that starts adjacent to the Park by Ramsey Rugby Club and heads north alongside the BMX track towards the main road.

From here turn left and continue along Vollan Crescent (the row of houses), then uphill until you reach the junction with Bride Road. Turn left and continue to the junction with the Andreas Road, then turn left again and continue back towards town.

Run downhill to the bottom of Bowring Road and turn left on to North Shore Road. Turn left again opposite the motor bike shop and continue along the road by Ballacloan football ground to the park entrance.

Run all the way through the Park, past the tennis courts and playground and then turn back out of the Park and follow the course for 2 more laps finishing in the Park by Costa Coffee Shop.

Thu 27th May.

Manx Harriers - 10km, 5km and Junior distance Walks

Prom Run now on this Saturday, here's the link.

Detailed Event Schedule for each

Competition Night:

Wednesday 22nd May

Under 9's

Under 11's




Standing Long Jump



Below is button for link to Club Champs prov. timetable

Coronavirus Notice:

Following recent relaxations of Covid-19 provisions on 15th June 2020, the Club will shortly make an announcement on future fixtures for the remaining season.

Events - Round 5 - 28th July 2021



& Year 1


Year 2 & 3


Year 4 & 5

In groups for Warm-up and Drills

Throw Howler





Long Jump



U13 & U15 Isle of Man Team - Youth Development League - 3

All-time Top 20 for all races

For a provisional list of events each meeting click link below​:

Publicity - Facebook


02/01/2021Firemen's League

06/01/2021Western Trail

08/01/2021Syd Corrin's 10 mile

10/01/2021Firemen's League

All events cancelled until further notice due to current Covid-19 restrictions.

Firemen's Series

Click here for a details.

Firemen's Series Presentation - 4th March - St Paul's Hall - After races.

Postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions

Sun 5th Jul.

Laxey Fell Race (re-arranged)



Sign on: At Ramsey Rugby Club in Mooragh Park car park, from 6:00 pm.

Races start at 7:00 pm, on Tuesday 30th June 2020.

5k Race open to: Aged 11 and above on day of race.




Fees: if attached to an Athletic's Club-£5, unattached-£7,

full-time education-£3 .

Course Descriptions

5k Race:

A 4 lap flat race starting next to Parklands Nursery, in the Mooragh Park, Ramsey. The run broadly follows the perimeter of the park lake in a clockwise direction and finishes by the Costa Coffee shop.

Circuits are Back

Click here for details.


Club Secretary

The Club Secretary is responsible for day to day communication with the committee and general organisation of the club’s affairs for example; setting the dates for the committee meetings, putting together the agenda,(there is a list of what needs raising when in the year!), typing up the minutes, liaising with IOMAA and UKA when required, and being the general information person when the committee or members need information or a problem resolving. Basically the role is one of a general co-ordinator! If you are interested and have questions please Facebook message Kate Lashley directly or enquire through Club's website with following link - 

  • Facebook Social Icon

Youth Development League Representative

"This is such a lovely role and one which I have enjoyed immensely." - Kate Lashley, retiring official
Athletes are chosen from all three athletic clubs to form one IOM Team - Team IOM.
The team travels to England 4 times over the summer months - this year logistics may be different because the team was promoted after a fantastic performance.
You ideally will enjoy athletics and have a good idea about our U13 and U15 athletes, both their abilities and their general attitude - it’s a team event and they will be expected to fill gaps and help out in disciplines they may not be wonderful at! For example spinters may be asked to run the 800m, putt a shot and do a bit of high jump in their first U13 year. 
Reps meet four times - once a couple of weeks before each trip but this is sometimes done by messenger if it’s a bit busy.  At present 3 training sessions are also planned so the kids can pop down to the NSC and have a go at any event they would like to try - these are scheduled to take place on a weekend morning.
If you are an official then you can travel free with the team as a helper (officials are needed and the team gets points for each official) and we are required to bring along a certain number of officials.
Watching the team progress and seeing the kids bond as a team and support each other is something that is brilliant to watch and really makes you smile.
The club would be there to support you and Kate would be happy to answer any questions at any time if you would like to take on the role. 
If you would like to become an official, the club would be happy to support this - it’s a day to get your level one track or field qualification and then you need to be signed off at four competitions which is very easy. 
"Seeing the children develop and progress is just lovely and I am very very sad to say a necessary goodbye to this role" - Kate.

Officials' Co-ordinator

This is so much easier than it was due to the introduction of the IOMAA’s Inter-Club League for the U13 and above age groups with our league results taken from these competition nights.
NAC take part in the IOM track league at the NSC over the summer months - dates are on the fixtures’ list.

Each club has to provide a certain number of qualified officials usually from each discipline; starter, track, field and timekeeper.
Knowing how many officials are needed at what level is useful, and Kate Lashley can help with this at the beginning. Information is also readily available from the IOMAA  who are responsible for allocating this. Laising and communicating with the organising team is really important but everyone is lovely and welcoming.
You may also need to book the NSC for our championship event and fill out the NSC’s equipment list but the track office are very helpful - everyone generally is.

NAC also host the cross country once or twice a season depending on the rota and as there is a new requirement for an endurance official we must ensure that we have someone who is qualified available.

There is a list of qualified officials available on the Island and Bridget Kaneen is very helpful - our new ADO, Mikey Haslett will also be a good contact.

Any questions at all about the Officials’ Co-ordinator please pm Kate Lashley on Facebook or message via Club's Facebook via this link -

Results Secretary

This role involves  creation of master results sheets for events held on a  Wednesday at RGS during the track and field season.   Data inputting from master results sheets for publication to Facebook and the website. Allocating points for the final track league positions.
If interested please contact Michelle Sherry for more details.


IOM Athletics League Competition (Years 6 & above) at NSC

Click here for Results and League

Ramsey Bakery RGS Track League (Reception to Year 5)

Click here for details.

Saturday Morning Training

Including RGS Indoor Sports Hall


RGS Indoor Sports Hall

Fri 18th Jun.

James Coulson Fell Race - Manx Fell Runners

Sat 26th -Sun 27th Jun.

Isle of Man Athletics Track & Field Championships


Edgewater Park Run Series

Edgewater Park Run

Final League will be published on Presentation Night - Friday 18 September and details of that event will be sent out nearer the time.

Strength and Conditioning Circuit Training

Details and entry to Club Winter Series

(previously known as Firemen's) Sponsored by HubPeople


Round 6 Cancelled due to weather, now League based on best 4 of 5.

Entries now closed

Details for Edgewater Park Run.

Details, entry form and costs for the IOMA Summer Track and Field League.

Isle of Man Athletics Track and Field Championships

SEQ Junior  Summer Track and Field League at RGS Playing Fields

No Rest for the Wicked 10k
Tuesday 13th August

Saturday Morning RGS Indoor Sports Hall Training - Reception to Year 7

Presentation Evening tickets

   - here's the link

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