Winter Road Series
Sponsored by HubPeople
(Previously known as Firemen's Run)

This This is a series of road races with options of 1 lap or 3 laps. The 3 lap race is 5km. (NB this will be measured but not on power of 10. We are hoping to have this sorted for next year).
Dates for Competition Nights:
1st October 2024
12th November 2024
3rd December 2024
7th January 2025
4th February 2025
4th March 2025​
The 1 lap race will go off first at 7:15 pm with the 3 lap race at about 7:20 pm. See below for approximate Course map for guidance.

If you want to train for your Winter Series races, the Club offers coaching by England Athletics qualified coaches:
Both club members and non-club members are welcome.
Thursday 7-8pm.
Meet at the NSC Track in Douglas and it will be some kind of interval-based session.
NSC Track charges are £3.30 for adults.
Please contact Sarah Webster via Facebook messenger.
or Saturday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Mostly based in Ramsey.
Location varies each week -see Club Facebook page on Thursdays/Friday
Please contact Neil Vondy by Facebook messenger or Email:
You must collect your number between 6-7 pm on race nights from the swimming pool foyer. Please keep your number for the series.
NB Numbers will be capped so get your entries in early to avoid disappointment.
​Costs to enter are
You can pay on the night (cash or card) or by bank transfer (please use name and Road series as reference) and email proof of payment with your entry form.
Race Entry fee is as follows:
Affiliated Club runners £30 (whole series)
Unaffiliated runners £40 (whole series)
NAC fully paid up members £15 (whole series)
Affiliated Club runners £6 (individual race)
Unaffiliated Club runners £8 (individual race)
NAC fully paid up members £3 (individual race)
Bank details: IOM Northern AC, Sort Code 20-26-74, Acc 50524344
We have had to go back to manual timing, so even if you have your number you must sign in for EVERY RACE before 6.45pm, and your reflective hi-viz will be checked at the same time.
You must be 16 or over on the day of the race.
Top tip: leave your number pinned to your reflective bib so you won’t forget either of them!
Please decide at the beginning of the series whether you are doing 1 lap or 3 laps – there will be NO option to change once the series has started, (different numbers and it makes my life too complicated – sorry)
You need to run 5 out of 6 races to qualify for the league and for the T-shirt - all 6 is required.
Please do your best to nominate someone to marshal for you or marshal yourself for one of the nights.
Please be aware: the Ramsey Swimming Pool have kindly allowed us to use their facility so there are toilets but no changing facilities. There is a baggage van if you wish to leave a bag at your own risk.
The Café will be open specially so please support them.
For parking you can use the swimming pool car park. The Rugby Club car park is another option and use the distance to the start as a short warm up.
Rules of Participation
Athletes must be 16 years old on the day of the event.
REFLECTIVE HI-VIS tops must be worn by all athletes.
No earphones can be used whilst competing.
By registering I accept the organiser's exclusion of liability of any damage.
I will not enforce a claim either upon the organizer or upon the supporting companies and their agents because of damage, that could arise by participating.
I declare that I have practised sufficiently for the event and that I am physically well.
All entrants shall be deemed to have made him/herself familiar with, and agreed to be bound by the UKA Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules.
The UKA Anti-Doping Rules apply to entrants participating in the sport of Athletics, for 12 months from the date of entry, whether or not the entrant is a citizen of, or resident in, the UK.
For added clarification, the date of entry is the date of the event.
I agree that my name, event category, result and position for the event(s) may be published within the Club's Social media, local press and Power of 10 UKA recognised results services, together with a permanent entry in the Club's historical records.
I confirm that my given details are correct. Once registered, I cannot claim a refund of my registration fee.
Additionally, the UKA advise the following:
In entering this event you agree that we may publish your Personal Information as part of the results of the Event
and may pass such information to the governing body or any affiliated organisation for the purpose of insurance,
licences or for publishing results either for the event alone or combined with or compared to other events.
Results may include (but not be limited to) name, any club affiliation, race times, occupation and age category.
By entering this event, you consent that the information given on this form may be used for the management of your entry
and for the production of results pertaining to the event.
You may also receive communications via email / SMS about this event and this may include notification about
future related events.
Information held about participants is not used for any kind of marketing activity and will not be passed to any third party without explicit consent.
See GDPR for details.

-(no reflective hi viz
= Disqualification)